Bill Kampe
Former Mayor, City of Pacific Grove
I am retaining this website in an open status as a personal memory of my fond experiences in the service of our City. It serves a an archive of some of our experiences over 10 years.
My farewell comments are below. Also note the navigation bar above, where you can find additional information about this experience. And I will add other stories from my earlier learning experiences in life.
Farewell Comments to Public, December 5, 2018
After 10 years of service to Pacific Grove, I say my farewell to my colleagues on our council and return to the role of private citizen.
I’ve felt honored that the citizens of our City have entrusted me in this role for the past several years. I want to thank the many citizens who have provided so much encouragement to me during my time on the Council. I especially thank all who volunteer in so many ways to help our city thrive.
My wife Cheryl has been wonderfully supportive during my time as a Councilmember and as Mayor. We occasionally talk of other things we might like to do…and have postponed. It’s at last time to take a fresh look at what we would like to do together.
Today, I feel our City is in a very strong position that can carry us to a sound future. Our City staff is dedicated and capable in all areas; we see positive results in many ways. Our city remains one of the safest places to live. There is new vitality in the library and museum. Streets, sewers, and buildings are now getting the renovations they need. We see life on the streets.
Our city staff, members of the public, and our City Council have achieved a new level of civil, constructive, and productive dialog that enables us to act on difficult topics. Our finances are strong after 10 years in a row of budget surpluses; we have set the stage to continue a sustainable future.
I’ve been very engaged in several regional issues. I’ve found personal inspiration from the talented and dedicated public officials who work tirelessly for the benefit of their communities. Thanks.
Water for the future of our peninsula continues to be a special focus. It’s a long and continuing process! Yet in alliance with our partner agencies, we have initiated virtually all major steps to provide that water. The diligent follow-up remains ahead.
We will always face challenges, as we do now. I have spent the final months of this 3rd term as mayor working to ensure the city is best poised for a vibrant future and that our next council will have available to them the tools and options to maintain our special quality of life in Pacific Grove.
With warmest wishes to all,
Bill Kampe