
I have worked very diligently to live by these principles during my time as Mayor and feel that these principles still stand as a valuable touchstone.

My Commitment to PG Citizens

As Mayor, I will

  1. Actively seek and understand a cross section of  community views on PG issues.
  2. Respect the diversity of views in our community, and seek from it the best solutions for our city.
  3. Act based on the best interests of Pacific Grove and the members of the PG community
  4. Insist on the best solutions for our future.
  5. Challenge myself and others to make PG both an attractive and a respected community.
  6. Seek and welcome feedback on my actions, and strive to improve my effectiveness.

An editorial note: Item #4 proves to be one of the most challenging. It is so tempting to preserve the comfort of the present, as is so often demanded by our citizens. Yet the uncertain, uncomfortable, and inevitable future demands our attention and best judgment.